Saturday, March 14, 2009


This Coloured Pencil artwork, (8 x 10 inches) sold on the opening night of the Exhibition at the NZ Academy of Fine Arts!
Be encouraged, even in this economic climate, there are still buyers out there....
I am currently working on a water lily with dragon fly – I intend to add some nice attractive critters to my floral art – butterflies, dragon flies, birds, pretty beetles, nothing scary! Though I COULD do a NZ Native NZ flower and a weta !!!!! J I love wetas, but most pple don’t!!
Watching the feijoas (a type of guava) ripening here on the orchard....YUM, can’t wait to eat them....
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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Digital artwork

I am enjoying digital art, very simple, not done with a tablet, but within Programmes such as Powerpoint.
Due to limited connectivity in my current location, There may be gaps in updating my blog, but I will add to it more regularly from now on.

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