Saturday, April 25, 2009

Japanese still life in coloured pencil

This is a pure coloured pencil artwork of mine created using only 3 pencils, green red and white. It belongs to my daughter. Most people do not realise it is only 2 colours till I point it out. I must try this again, it was fun and nice and challenging, I always enjoy an art challenge...most motivating...
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Saturday, April 18, 2009

NZ Flax Flowers artwork

An artist exchange, this is an acrylic painting destined for a NZ Weaving artist who works in the medium of NZ Flax. These are the flax flowers portrayed here against the backdrop of the leaves. Tui (native bird) love these flowers for their nectar.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wine Grapes

We are currently in the beautiful Hawke's Bay region. Here are some wine grapes - possibly Pinot Noir.
A vineyard called Elephant Hill.
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Here is what we were watching this week
A new experience for us since being on the road.
I will probably turn one of these shots into an artwork at some stage.
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